Simbholos® Simbolizando la Vida ®

APRIL 20th, 2012 * TODAY´S ENERGY: 11/2

APRIL 20th, 2012 * TODAY´S ENERGY: 11/2

APRIL 20th, 2012
Today, we are called to love and accept ourselves as we are.

Though we should usually bear this on mind, today´s vibration will help us make a connection with issues of love & acceptance.
As we begin to hold thoughts of acceptance and patience toward ourselves, the GATE OF JOY & GROWTH will open before our eyes while a stream of pure oxygen refreshes us from within-out.

Besides, we can give free rein to COMMUNICATION, become more aware of OUR PRESENT TIME, in order to avoid moving "backwards or forwards" unnecesarily.

Being aware of this, we can envision both our maturity & healing processes that have taken place in our lives. The old wounds are healing.

Our painful experiences are now part of lessons well learned. AQ.

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